Jailbroken iPhones are at risk of being infected with ikee worm.
Most people (like me) should be affected by the first 3 A,B,C variant.
Which variant am I into? If you can find the files in the 1st scenario to delete, then u are having the variant A,B,C. Please make sure you have install MobileTerminal on your iPhone before you start.
1st Variant
- Launch MobileTerminal. Login to root "su root" with default password "alpine".
- Enter each line of command and press return key. Tip: Commands are case sensitive
rm /bin/poc-bbot
rm /bin/sshpass
rm /var/log/youcanbeclosertogod.jpg
rm /var/mobile/LockBackground.jpg or rm /var/mobile/Library/LockBackground.jpg)
rm /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.ikey.bbot.plist
rm /var/lock/bbot.lock
- Reboot iphone.
- Change password and reinstall Open SSH.
2nd Variant
- Launch MobileTerminal. Login to root "su root" with default password "alpine".
- Enter below commands and press return key after each line. Tip: Commands are case sensitive
rm /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.saurik.Cydia.Startup.plist
rm /usr/libexec/cydia/startup
rm /usr/libexec/cydia/startup-helper
rm /usr/libexec/cydia/startup.so
- Reinstall Cydia with below command.
su root
get-app remove cydia
get-app install cydia
- Reboot iPhone. Now you should be worm-free....