Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sync Outlook and Google Calendar

Today, Google launched a new tool which enables users to sync their calendar from Microsoft Outlook to Google Calendar and vice versa. It's a great tool for those who travel out of office a lot but still want to keep updated with their schedules. I've downloaded and installed the tool to my notebook to test it out...

My two cents... benefits of using this new tool
  1. Multi language
  2. I can share my calendar with my family
    *** My friends and family have very "good timing" ***
  3. View the calendar directly from the desktop
  4. I can sync my calendar on my iPhone as well :)
    *** Cool ***
I would love to try the SMS feature (user can request to have calendar events sent to their mobile phone) but it is currently offered to US mobile carriers only. Malaysians: Please be patient.

Other than the SMS feature not available, I have complaints since it is FREE.... hehehe...
Have you tried it out? What do you think?