Tuesday, March 18, 2008

iPhone flashing with black and white stripes

Previously, I had problem where the screen flashes black and white stripes after powering on the iPhone.

My current solution:-
Please check if you have dock (from Nate True) installed on your iPhone version 1.1.3 and 1.1.4, please uninstall and restart your iPhone. You should now have a normal start up Apple logo on your iPhone.

Do leave me a comment if it is still not working for you.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

iPhone upgrade from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4

I've finally upgraded from 1.1.3 to 1.1.4. Completed within 5 minutes...

How did I do it?

  • After completely syncing iPhone with iTunes
  • Place iPhone into DFU mode
    Easiest way:- One of the easiest way is to turn off iPhone first. Press and hold the home button and plug the USB cable in. Once you see the Apple logo, release the home button and iPhone will be on below screen.

  • Press shift and click on restore. A file browser window will open. Select the firmware 1.1.4 file saved on desktop and click Open
  • Once completed upgrade to firmware 1.1.4, iTunes will show below screen
  • Exit iTunes.
    *Please remember to check if iTunesHelper is not active in Windows Task Manager. If it is, please end the iTunesHelper.exe process
  • In WinXP, go to DOS prompt (click on Start> Run> type in "cmd"> click on OK button)
  • Type in "cd desktop/iplus2.0", press enter
  • On the next prompt, type in "iplus -u" and press enter. You will see the below screen
  • After completion, your iPhone will reboot and you are completely done.
Big thanks for iPlus creator Aviegas

Friday, March 14, 2008

Google Blog Search Ping

I'm new to blogging so I have been searching on the Internet for guides.

Did you know Google offers to add your blog to their Blog Search service.
Click on the below link Google Blog Search Ping to add your blog if you haven't done so.
Just enter your blog address and click on the "Submit Blog" button and you're done.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Sync Outlook and Google Calendar

Today, Google launched a new tool which enables users to sync their calendar from Microsoft Outlook to Google Calendar and vice versa. It's a great tool for those who travel out of office a lot but still want to keep updated with their schedules. I've downloaded and installed the tool to my notebook to test it out...

My two cents... benefits of using this new tool
  1. Multi language
  2. I can share my calendar with my family
    *** My friends and family have very "good timing" ***
  3. View the calendar directly from the desktop
  4. I can sync my calendar on my iPhone as well :)
    *** Cool ***
I would love to try the SMS feature (user can request to have calendar events sent to their mobile phone) but it is currently offered to US mobile carriers only. Malaysians: Please be patient.

Other than the SMS feature not available, I have complaints since it is FREE.... hehehe...
Have you tried it out? What do you think?

Sunday, March 9, 2008

iPhone MMS

Wuhoooh!!! MMS is now available with iPhone on DiGi (Malaysia) network. Just recently, I have tested successful sending and receiving but there are some apps you need to install

  1. SwirlyMMS v.0.3.5 - to send and receive MMS
    Click on "Settings" and key in the following:-
    Settings: MMSC: mms.digi.com.my/servlets/mms

    APN: digimms
    Username: mms
    Password: mms
    Click on "Save."
    P/S: It is only active when you see the green "M" icon next to the battery icon (top right corner)
  2. Mobile Preview or Mobile Finder - to view MMS
    Default: Photos received is under "~/Media/MMSFiles"
Refer to the right for the MMS settings... do leave me a feedback if you can't get it to work.

Mom's birthday 7/3/08

For me, it's awfully difficult to remember my parent's birthday as they only celebrate the lunar calendar dates. I did a check on the birthday on their NRIC and it is not the same as their lunar birthdate... Hmm.... I have all my friends and relatives' birthday on my handphone and it is normally set to remind me at least 24 hours before the actual date but for my parents, I can't.... Nevertheless, the only way to express my thanks and wishes to her is just as photo on the right

1st blog

I've considered blogging for a long long time but.....

  1. my life is not interesting
  2. family crisis (who doesn't have??!!!)
  3. proficiency in English (not that great)
Today, I suddenly have the urge to create a blog... Why?
  1. I'm bored maybe blogging will add some brightness to my life
  2. just to get myself more in touch with the world
  3. get to know more people and friends
I knew blogging was not easy and it is up to the blogger itself to keep updating and maintainig how well their blog is. I guess this will help me to be patient and train myself to be ..... better???!!!???